Watch our Webinar from March 25, 2021!

To watch the Mental Health, Sex Positivity, and Youth in the Time of COVID-19 webinar, click here.

You’re invited! Please join SIECUS: Sex Ed for Social Change for our virtual armchair discussion, Mental Health, Sex Positivity, and Youth in the Time of COVID-19 happening on March 25, 2021 at 7pm ET / 4pm PT. 

Mental Health, Sex Positivity, and Youth in the Time of COVID-19  is the next installment of SIECUS ONLINE, a series of virtual armchair discussions with leading experts and thought leaders to explore the latest topics in sex ed. All proceeds from SIECUS ONLINE events support invited speakers and SIECUS’ work advancing sex ed across the United States. 

For this conversation, we will explore the factors impacting youth mental health, sexual activity, and how sex positivity and comprehensive sex education can play a role in improving mental health for young people.

Invited Speakers:


This Webinar is intended for parents, students, educators, school administrators, and anyone else interested in sex education in the United States. 





The SIECUS ONLINE series is sponsored by b-Vibe. b-Vibe’s core mission is to empower exploration through education. By offering a constant array of accessible content, carefully written guides, and real-world information, the brand promotes inclusivity and informed play.